Tag: Promotion power

Promotion powers are those that are based on promoting your pawns. To use them effectively, relentlessly push your pawns toward their promotion zone.

Allied Army (WWI)

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF TRENCHES. Your troops need only to reach the enemy trench on the 6th row to obtain vital supplies

Starting configuration for Allied Army (WWI)

Whenever one of your pawns reaches the 6th row, it promotes to a queen, knight, rook, or bishop. You may only have one queen in play at a time.

At the start of your turn, you may have any number of your pawns "dig in," provided that none of these pawns have moved on your last two turns. These pawns cannot be captured, pushed, or pulled until the start of your next turn but may not capture on your next turn.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF BELIEF. Your people believe that you are a god and would do anything for you.

Starting configuration for Egypt

Your pieces cannot be moved or destroyed as a result of other players’ special abilities.

Your pawns can promote to any piece that was on the board at any point in the game, including special pieces. However, normal pieces with extra powers given to them do not keep these powers. (For instance, if you promote to a Papal States bishop, it still moves as a normal bishop for you.)

Your kings can jump two squares diagonally in addition to moving normally.

Medieval Japan

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF PROMOTION. The entire Japanese army is capable of promotion.

Starting configuration for Medieval Japan

Generals move one square either diagonally or forward. Japanese pawns capture forward, not diagonally.

Japanese pawns do not promote normally. If any Japanese piece moves into the final three rows (determined in the direction that your pawns go) it can move like a king until it is captured, in addition to its normal move.

Mongol Empire

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF SKILL. Each of your soldiers is equally well-trained, and all have ample opportunity for promotion.

Starting configuration for Mongol Empire

Your pawns can move one square horizontally or vertically and can capture one square diagonally in any direction. Your pawns may promote either vertically or horizontally, and may promote to any standard chess piece, provided that you have no more than one queen, two rooks, two bishops, and two knights.

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